Setting Your Schedule & Compliance Tracking

[vc_row][vc_column][taalem_empty_space height=”55″ height_mobile=”40″][taalem_section_title style=”3″ title=”Neuro Reprogramming|Schedule” position=”center”][taalem_empty_space height=”55″ height_mobile=”40″][taalem_icon_box icon_type=”number” number=”1″ title=”Do your 15 minute affirmation at least once daily.” title_tag=”h3″ el_class=”nova”]At night tends to be stronger for many people because as we sleep the thoughts keep circulating. If you have trouble getting to it at night, then just choose any time that you can do the technique consistently.[/taalem_icon_box][taalem_empty_space height=”32″][taalem_icon_box icon_type=”number” number=”2″ title=”We recommend doing this for at least 60 consecutive days before expecting subconscious effortless change.” title_tag=”h3″ el_class=”nova”]You will notice things getting easier fairly quickly, but true unconscious change takes about 60 days.[/taalem_icon_box][taalem_empty_space height=”32″][taalem_icon_box icon_type=”number” number=”3″ title=”Use the form below to track your compliance for the next 8 weeks.” title_tag=”h3″ el_class=”nova”]Click the disk button to make sure you save before you leave! This should help you get a clear understanding of your compliance overtime.[/taalem_icon_box][taalem_empty_space height=”55″ height_mobile=”40″][vc_column_text][ipt_fsqm_form id=”4″][/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”19573″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][taalem_empty_space height=”32″][vc_column_text]

We hope this module was very beneficial for you, this powerful technique can change your life! If you have any questions, require any additional information, or wish to give us any feedback, please call us at 866-319-0566. We would love to hear from you.

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